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To provide additional benefits and cost savings to our loyal customers who regularly place orders.
Unlock unparalleled value with XD+ exclusively crafted for our esteemed Xpressdocs Annual Subscribers! Elevate your business with significant savings on business cards, exclusive sales opportunities, complimentary shipping, and free access to geo-targeted mailing lists. The perks don’t stop there – as an Annual Subscriber, you’ll enjoy exclusive access to meticulously curated digital and social content, making your subscription an investment that pays off in more ways than one!
After logging into Xpressdocs, click the XD+ tile on the Home Page, or click link in the header menu to reach the Manage Subscriptions page.
If you sign up for the Annual subscription, you will receive your offer promo code in an email sent to the email address on your Xpressdocs account soon after you subscribe.
Once subscribed, your XD+ benefits will immediately be available during the checkout process.
When you subscribe, you will receive an offer code in an email that you can use the next time you checkout.
XD Day will take place annually in August. Subscribers will be notified via email in advance of the sale.
Flash sales can happen at any time, and will be announced the day the sale begins via email.
The duration of the sale will vary, as will the discounts and eligible products.
Annual subscribers enjoy tools to help them become multi-channel marketing pros, all from their XD storefront. Benefits include access to specially curated content created by our marketing experts and a social dashboard with insights on how posts are performing, management and scheduling tools, and more. Content is regularly updated to help ensure posts resonate with audiences and stay relevant.
Yes. You are able to cancel an active subscription at any time. Canceling the subscription does not terminate the current plan period; your benefits will terminate at the end of the subscription term. This means that the subscription benefits will be available for a monthly subscription until the end of that monthly term, and benefits remain available for the annual subscription up until the yearly renewal date. Upon cancellation there will be no refunds or prorated credits, as access to all benefits, including free business and promotional discounts, is immediate.
For complete information, view XD+ Terms and Conditions
The Monthly Subscription is $9.99 (+applicable sales tax), charged once per month to the payment method on file.
The Annual Subscription is $99.99 (+applicable sales tax), charged once per year to the payment method on file.
Aside from the discounted subscription fee savings, Annual Subscribers will also receive an Xpressdocs promo code for 15% off their next order and exclusive curated digital and social content when they subscribe.