What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads is a digital social marketing product that allows real estate agents to create personalized ads using integrated listing feeds and event triggers to reach potential clients on Facebook.

By adding another popular digital avenue like Facebook Ads to promote listings, realtors can focus on and market to their target audiences and easily turn their automated marketing campaign from direct marketing to multi-channel marketing, all from a single platform, in a single order flow.

Facebook Ads from Xpressdocs


Why Use Xpressdocs for Facebook Ads?

why use Facebook ads


Facebook Ads Key Features

Integrated Listing Feeds and Event Triggers
Automatically create targeted and effective ads that reach potential clients on the most widely used platform with information directly from the MLS feed.
Customizable Options
Before publishing an ad, agents can verify the content and photos merged over from their MLS feed that are automatically pulled into campaign pieces, including direct mail, social downloads, flyers, and more to reach new audiences.
Simple Order Flow
Every time a listing is created or changed, a campaign is automatically created to support the listing. Through the XD platform, users can run an ad and share the same photos + listing information used in their direct marketing campaign for a Facebook Ad, making executing and tracking easy and organized.
Easily Track Campaign Performance
After the Facebook Ad has been active for 1 day, users will be notified via email of the campaign performance. Ad details will also be visible in Order History, and following campaign completion, users will receive another email for the completed ad that includes an Ad Performance Summary.

Facebook Ads FAQs

For more information or if you have additional questions, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Integrated Facebook Ads with Xpressdocs Automated Property Marketing
Why do I need a Facebook Ad for my listing?

Facebook Ads can give you the perfect opportunity to build your multichannel property marketing strategy, target the right buyer, and increase lead quantity by 80%.

How do I publish a Facebook Ad for my listing?

1. Upload your photos
2. Give your ad a good title
3. Create your message
4. Set your radius center point and distance
5. Choose your redirect URL

Note: Facebook Ads are available for customers of our Automated Property Marketing service.

Am I able to set my own scheduling for the Ad?

Following the completed checkout, you can schedule the ad to begin on your selected start date and the ad will run for the selected duration.

How long should I run my Facebook Ad?

When setting up your ad, it will be noted that there is a minimum of 7 days duration at $7* per day.

*Price subject to change.

Where do I find my Ad details?

Ad details will be visible in the Order History.

When should I expect my Ad to go live through Facebook?

After you submit your ad, it will go through the Facebook Ad review process, which takes up to 24 hours. Ads can be approved within 1-2 hours, but in the event an ad review period goes past the scheduled start date, the ad will go live the day after it is approved.

Can I cancel my Ad?

Yes, you can cancel your Ad within 10 minutes of checkout by using the cancel action in Order History.

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